A downloadable game for Windows and Linux

How to play

This is some kind of multiplayer snake or light cycles. Your goal is to score points by letting other players crash into your tail. Intersecting yourself counts as a suicide and makes you lose one point.

Each time you die, your length resets and you are temporarily a ghost. You must break blocks to grow. Your length is reduced when another player crashes into you.

When two players have equal points, the player who scored the lastest is beaten by the other player.

This game is for 2 to 4 players. The jam version does not have bots.


Turn left/rightArrow keysD-pad or left joystick

Controls are remappable. 

Default controls assigns 1st player controls to the keyboard and the 1st controller, and other players controls on subsequent controllers.

Keyboard controls are scancode-based. For example, on a DVORAK keyboard reset is P.

Post-jam changes

  • Fixed offset particles
  • Added a kill/death table
  • Different UI when the window is narrow
  • Added an AI
  • Instead of selecting the number of players, now you select each player type

Stuff used

  • Dear ImGui
  • Lazẏnput
  • nlohmann::json 
  • OpenGL 3.2
  • SDL
  • SFXR
  • My own base code using all of the above
  • A custom fixed point template class

My goal was to see how annoying it is to use fixed points. There was some annoyance and bugs due to fixed point, but the biggest pain was C++ metaprogramming.


Sébastien Garnier from Start Coffee for some playtesting.


Light Snakes Linux.7z 556 kB
Light Snakes Windows.7z 798 kB
Light Snakes Source.7z 671 kB
Light Snakes Linux Post-Jam.7z 560 kB
Light Snakes Windows Post-Jam.7z 822 kB

Install instructions

Just uncompress and run the binary.

On Windows you may need to install Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable packages.